Scope of the Project

- Reconstruction of existing pavement with Continuous Reinforced Concrete (CRCP) on The LHS and Stone Mastic Asphalt Concrete (SMA) on the RHS.
- Construction of 3 new interchanges with overpasses, underpasses and slip roads.
- Widening existing 4 lane and 2 lane carriageways to 6 lane dual carriageway.
- Provision of side drains and new drainage structures (Pipe culverts, box culverts).
- Installation of kerbs and street lighting, installation of road furniture including road markings and traffic light and provision of median and plantation.
- 12 months DLP and 60 months’ maintenance.
- Relocation of services, as necessary.
Description of the Project
The project is funded by African Development Bank (AfDB) with the Employer being Government of the Republic of Kenya.
Implementing Agency is the Kenya National Highways Authority and the Contractor is The Third Engineering Bureau of China City Construction Group Co., Ltd. (CCCC).
The Project Award date is 23rd of Sept, 2016 with the Commencement date being 4th of February, 2017 and Completion date is 29th of October 2021.
Progress of works to date is 90.46%.